
Friday, August 5, 2011

Baby Room - Updated!

Oliver's Room!  - Rug will be changed when I can find one I like!

The awkward corner.  I can't wait until we figure out what we are doing here.  I am thinking a glider if there is room.  On the blank wall I am thinking of getting spice racks and painting them for book shelves.

A close up of the alphabet letters.  We had planned on doing this on a large canvas so easy to take anywhere we move to but they wouldn't stick. :(

Not so sure on the light at the moment.  It's kind of tall but I love his name in the picture frame!

Love my cloth diaper storage!

So happy the room has a fan!

His and Daddy's closet.  I don't thin he will ever get much room in there!

Close up of the sticker canvas that match the bedding!

I am very happy with how it has come along!  We just need to figure out the rug, lamp and the odd corner and we will be good to go!!!!

32 Weeks - What a week!

How far along?: 32 Weeks
Current Weight: 188
Total weight gain: 14 lbs
How big is baby?: The size of a squash - still!
Maternity clothes?: Yes - can't really wear regular shirts anymore and maternity pants are starting not to fit as well in the belly.
Movement: He is very active, most of the time - will explain more below.
Stretch marks?: I think 1 on my left side... :(
Sleep?: Comes and goes on how much I get
Symptoms?: contractions, rib pain, heartburn, etc.
Food aversions?: Nothing really at the moment.
Food cravings?: strawberry banana smoothies from Micky Ds
Labor signs?: Yep!  Will explain below
Belly button in or out?: in still!
What I miss: breathing normally!  although it seems to be getting a little better! :)
What I'm looking forward to: Shower on Sunday!
Best Moment this week: Seeing Baby L in 3D!  I am soooooo in love!
Milestone: Started having real contractions.
32 Week Bump! 

So after everything that has happened the last couple days I decided to shoot a new photo this morning.  This is a 2 day difference and I think he has started to drop a bit!

So Now I am going to explain this week.  It has been crazy to say the least.  Monday was sort of normal if you call working a 13.5 day normal.  Baby was find though up until Wednesday morning when things got crazy.

In the shower on Wednesday I thought I felt sort of a gush and by noon I wasn't sure what was going on.  I thought maybe my water had broken since I had such an increase in fluids.  I had my 32 week appt. schedule for 1:30 so just decided to wait.  On top of that Baby L wasn't moving too much.  Then on top of that on my way home at noon I started having what I thought were actual contractions.  They were low and felt like period cramps and I could feel them low in my back.

I explained everything going on when I got into my appt.  She wanted to check right away to see if my water had indeed broke and it had not, thank goodness!  Even better I was still closed, no dilation.  Since he hadn't moved much she had me do an NST (nonstress test) to make sure he was doing ok.  It took a bit but she was finally happy with baby but not happy at all with my contractions.  They were lasting about a minute and coming every 5 minutes!  If I had been at home they would have had me go straight to L&D.  They wanted me to do a fFN test to check for preterm labor but since they had already checked me they had to wait 24 hours to do the test and scheduled me to come back the next day.

Yesterday morning I worked from home.  He really wasn't moving at all and the contractions were still happening.  I got the doppler out and found the heartbeat so I was able to wait until my appt. to go in.  She did the test and checked me again, still closed!  She wanted to check my AF level so she scheduled me for an u/s.  The test results take a day so they were supposed to call today.  They didn't but hopefully that means no news is good news. 

I did however get some awesome pictures of my little man!  He is so dang cute I can't wait to meet him but I do not want to meet him at least for another 4 weeks!

I am in love with this picture!
