
Sunday, May 29, 2011

First Baby Boy Outfits - Purchased!

Daddy's Little Slugger! :)  - Dad's first pick, obviously!

Giraffe Baseball - Mom's pick!

Jumping Beans® Pique Polo Bodysuit - Infant Blue Atoll - Got to be just like dad!

I couldn't find pictures of the last 3 items we got.  1 is a red and white tee that says "Future Fire Fighter" in honor of Grandpa L.  The other clothing items is a 3 piece outfit.  Brown pants, a button up collared shirt with a sweater vest over it!  So stinking cute!  The last was a pair or little brown shoes.  Love them!  We had purchased his bedding so we had $30.00 in Kohl's Cash to spend.  Once we used that and a 15% discount coupon we spend a total of $12.00 on all of the above!  Mom was pretty happy! :)

Current Furniture I want!

These are currently the furniture items I want for Ollie's room.  The crib is on sale right now for 50% off.  It was originally $300.00 now it is down to $149.00 at WalMart.  Adding in the crib mattress we are looking at spending right around $500.00 for the entire bedroom set.  I am pretty pleased with myself since most sets you can buy for less then $800.00.  The one downside is they are all made by different manufacturers but if I get them all in the Espresso color I think I should be ok!  Now just got to get Dad on board and get these puppies bought!  We also started working on colors for the walls in the nursery.  This is proving to be one hard task!!!

Baby Mod - Serena 4-in-1 Convertible Crib, Espresso

Storkcraft - Aspen 5-Drawer Dresser, Espresso

Badger Basket Sleigh Changing Table, Espresso

Anatomy Scan

I have already wrote about the terrible pains that happened on May 9th.  I also sort of mentioned the accident that happened on May 16th.  Both resulted in a trip to L&D.  Everything turned out fine with both cases and I got to see him both days with an u/s. 

The 17th was our actual scheduled 20 week u/s or anatomy scan.  This was the day we were supposed to find out that we were having a boy and instead it was the 3rd confirming u/s that in fact Oliver was going to be a boy.

Everything went well.  The little guy weighed in around 14 oz. and was ahead of schedule by about 4 days.  He was ahead by 4 days at our 12 week scan so he's growing well!!  Here are some shots from the u/s.


The last one is not of his spine but it is a good profile!  I can't wait to see what he looks like in real life!

Cloth Diaper Update

My stash so far!

Right now I am sitting pretty well as far as cloth diapering goes.  Here is a breakdown of the stash as of this moment!

36 newborn prefolds
3 Thirsties Duo size 1
2 Bummis Super Brites size newborn
1 Bummis Super Brite size small
1 wool cover size newborn
4 Flannel fitteds size newborn
1 Pampered Cheeks fitted one size
2 Goodmama fitteds one size
9 BumGenius 3.0 pockets one size (with inserts)
4 BumGenius 4.0 seconds pockets one size (without inserts)
12 FuzziBunz pockets one size (with inserts)
4 Kawaii Minky pockets one size (with inserts)
1 Snappi
1 Wet Bag
1 Wet/Dry Bag
Diaper Sprayer
2 Diaper pail liners
12 Diaper pail deodorizers
1 Box Country Save detergent
1 8 oz jar of CJ's BUTTer

I really think I am sitting pretty good at the moment.  I still look for dipes I can find cheap used online to add to the stash to try one he gets here.  I still need a few extra items but I can get those over the next few months.  I did purchase a mystery package the other day online.  It was $30 plus shipping for what it said was $80 worth of Cloth Diaper related items.  I chose the newborn/small boy group so we shall see in the next couple of days what I get!

22 Weeks - Slacker!

I missed the 21 Week post with everything going on but here is 22!
21 Weeks - Banana
22 Weeks - Papaya
How far along?: 22 Weeks
Current Weight: 173
Total weight gain: down 1
How big is baby?: The size of a Papaya
Maternity clothes?: Yes. I still like wearing regular shirts since the make the belly pop a little more!
Movement: Lots of kicks - my belly rises with most kicks now
Stretch marks?: Not yet...
Sleep?: It's ok.  We downsized from a King to a Queen bed and I am pretty much only comfortable on my left side.  Laying flat is out now!
Symptoms?: Growing belly! Heartburn. 
Food aversions?: Nothing really at the moment.
Food cravings?: Nothing to much
Labor signs?: Nope.  - I was in an accident on the 16th and went to the hospital to get checked out because my uterus was cramping quite a bit.  The accident happened at 8 and the cramping was still happening at 2 so they gave me a shot to stop the cramping.
Belly button in or out?: I noticed it's not as deep as it used to be.
What I miss:  Nothing much. 
What I'm looking forward to: Starting to do more baby related items with Scott now done with school.
Best Moment this week: Going to Kohl's and buying our first baby boy clothes!
Milestone: Watching the kicks from the outside.  It also seems like I have had a huge growth spurt between 21 and 22 weeks if you go by the bump pics below!

21 Week Bump

22 Week Bump

Friday, May 13, 2011


Migi Alphabet Bedding! 

I love love love this bedding.  I actually found it before we found out what we were having and thought I could maybe pull it off for a girl but loved it for a boy.  Since we are having a boy as soon as it went on sale (2 days after we found out) I purchased it!  Now I can't wait for it to come in the mail! :)

When searching online for pictures of nurseries with the Migi Alphabet bedding I came across these picture frames.

Apparently they sell the letters as a sticker kit that you can either stick on a wall or like they did above.  The sticker kit is super cheap so I am hoping between Scott and I we can duplicate what they did for these frames!  This is how they come so it could be a little interesting!
The wall color is what is proving to the be the toughest issue.  I kind of want to go with the blue like int he picture but with it being a very small room I am not sure I will like that.  I may try and go for the blue on 3 of the walls and maybe more of blue gray for the 4th.  We shall see though.  I will of course post pictures of the process!  We move in a week so it's great to be able to start!

It's a...


Oliver Howard

So we had a little scare on Monday night.  I was having sever pains in my abdomen.  They were sharp and shooting and after 45 minutes of them not going away Scott called the hospital.  I couldn't lay down, stand or even walk the pain was so bad.  The hospital told him to get me to the ER and they would get me to L&D.  We arrived at L&D around 8:30.  They checked the heartbeat on the Doppler and it looked good.  My cervix was also good.  After a while they said they wanted to do an u/s to check and make sure everything looked good with the babe. 

We were in there a while.  She checked the head, the spine, arms, legs heart all of it and said it looked good.  She then asked if she could see would we want to know what we were having.  We of course said yes thinking hey at least we will get something out of this trip.  She said at first she couldn't see because it's hand was down there covering it up.  I laughed and said it must be a boy.  A few seconds later she brings up a picture and lets Scott guess.  He eventually guesses boy and he was right!  We saw the goods! 

It was so good to see him on the screen and know he was well even though I was in so much pain.  By 10:30 the pain had pretty much calmed down and by 11 they said we could go home.  They weren't quite sure what caused the pain but said since both of us looked good we were free to go.  They pain returned on Tuesday but it hasn't been too bad since. 

I just can't believe we are having a boy!  I was convinced from the beginning it was a boy and Scott was sure it was a girl.  The funny thing is the very first reason I thought boy was our first cat was a boy and our first dog was a boy so it was only fitting that the first baby we have is a boy too!  Now let the buying and decorating begin!  :)

20 Weeks! Half Way There!


How far along?: 20 weeks or half way there!
Current Weight: 172 Thursday morning 
Total weight gain: down 2
How big is baby?: The size of a cantaloupe
Maternity clothes?: Yes. I still like wearing regular shirts since the make the belly pop a little more!
Movement: Lots of kicks - Daddy and the u/s tech even felt them!
Stretch marks?: Not yet...
Sleep?: Pretty good
Symptoms?: M/S, Nausea, growing belly!
Food aversions?: Nothing really at the moment.
Food cravings?: Nothing to much
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: I noticed it's not as deep as it used to be.
What I miss:  Nothing much at the moment.  Maybe sleeping through the nigh without having to pee!
What I'm looking forward to: U/S this coming week and 20 week appt.
Best Moment this week: Daddy feeling LO kick!
Milestone: Half way mark!  Yeah!

20 Week Bump!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I have an addiction!

I am thinking I need to find a Cloth Diapers Anonymous Class.  Holy crap do I have an addiction!  Here are a couple pictures of some WAHM fitted diapers I purchased on Spots Corner.  Can not wait until they get here!

Pampered Cheeks Fitted

This is a Pampered Cheeks Fitted in the most adorable giraffe print I have ever seen! 

Jungle Rumble Goodmama

This is a Goodmama which, from what I have read, are awesome diapers!  They are very expensive to when purchased new.  I purchased this one used as well it is the Jungle Rumble print.

image 1

This is a KaWaii Baby OS pocket diaper I purchased off Craigslist.  This is the cow print!

image 2

I think this is my second favorite print so far.  This is also a KaWaii Baby I purchased off CL.  This is the tiger print and is very close in color to Sam the Cat's coloring!

I also purchased some Bumgenius 3.0 OS pockets from a very good friend in several fun colors and this week I will be picking up some Fuzzibunz OS pockets from another girl on CL.

19 Weeks!

How far along?: 19 weeks (almost half way done!)

Current Weight: 170 this week when I stepped on the scale.
Total weight gain: down 4
How big is baby?: The size of a mango
Maternity clothes?: Yes. I still like wearing regular shirts since the make the belly pop a little more!
Movement: Kicks kicks kicks and more kicks
Stretch marks?: Not yet...
Sleep?: Pretty good
Symptoms?: M/S, Nausea, growing belly!
Food aversions?: Nothing really at the moment.
Food cravings?: Nothing to much
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: I noticed it's not as deep as it used to be.
What I miss:  HOT DOGS
What I'm looking forward to: U/S in 10 days and picking out baby stuff!
Best Moment this week: Feeling the baby kick!
Milestone: Baby Kicks everyday!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


My packages have arrived and I am on my way to completing my newborn cloth diaper stash!!

So far I have:

36 Infant Diaper Rite Prefolds (new - currently prepping)
3 Thirsties Duo Wrap Covers Size 1 (new)
1 Bummis Super Brite Size Small (used)
 Snappi (new)
4 BumGenius 4.0 One Size Diapers (without inserts purchased as seconds)
1 Planet Wise Wet Dry Bag Size Large (used)

There are quite a few things I still need.  I would like at least 2 more covers, more pockets, 4-8 inserts for the BG pockets, a couple medium sized wet bags, a diaper sprayer, diaper pail and liners, and more snappis.  I am currently looking at purchasing some Fuzzibunz one size pocket diapers that will hopefully bump the stash up.  This has definitely become a little bit of an obsession but more to find the best deal then spend spend spend!!