
Friday, May 13, 2011

It's a...


Oliver Howard

So we had a little scare on Monday night.  I was having sever pains in my abdomen.  They were sharp and shooting and after 45 minutes of them not going away Scott called the hospital.  I couldn't lay down, stand or even walk the pain was so bad.  The hospital told him to get me to the ER and they would get me to L&D.  We arrived at L&D around 8:30.  They checked the heartbeat on the Doppler and it looked good.  My cervix was also good.  After a while they said they wanted to do an u/s to check and make sure everything looked good with the babe. 

We were in there a while.  She checked the head, the spine, arms, legs heart all of it and said it looked good.  She then asked if she could see would we want to know what we were having.  We of course said yes thinking hey at least we will get something out of this trip.  She said at first she couldn't see because it's hand was down there covering it up.  I laughed and said it must be a boy.  A few seconds later she brings up a picture and lets Scott guess.  He eventually guesses boy and he was right!  We saw the goods! 

It was so good to see him on the screen and know he was well even though I was in so much pain.  By 10:30 the pain had pretty much calmed down and by 11 they said we could go home.  They weren't quite sure what caused the pain but said since both of us looked good we were free to go.  They pain returned on Tuesday but it hasn't been too bad since. 

I just can't believe we are having a boy!  I was convinced from the beginning it was a boy and Scott was sure it was a girl.  The funny thing is the very first reason I thought boy was our first cat was a boy and our first dog was a boy so it was only fitting that the first baby we have is a boy too!  Now let the buying and decorating begin!  :)

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